Tales From The Inside
Yesterday's post was mainly catching up briefly, and letting people know that the mad woman had returned home. Today I'm going to tell you some of the more interesting stuff that happened. Well as much as I can remember anyway.
The first thing that really sticks in my mind happened on my first morning on the ward. After an ok night sleepwise the auxilliary nurses piled into the room to do the usual bed changes etc. There were two ladies in burgundy throwing people out of bed, sitting them on their chairs and changing sheets. While they were changing the bed diagonally opposite to me one of them shouted accross, get out of bed, sit on your chair and we can change your sheets. I quietly said, I'm sorry is it ok if I stand as I can't sit, she replied, well if you can't sit we can't change your bed! Having not long woken from slumber I quickly said I beg your pardon! The other nurse winked at me and said it's ok you stand and we'll do it. Welcome to the kind and caring NHS!.
I have to say thought, by the end of my three week stay the nurse in question was making me milky coffee's and calling me by my first name.....I'm not one to hold grudges thankfully.
One of the patients left a lot to be desired as well......I returned to the ward on the SUnday evening, relieved to see teddy still in bed where I had left him. One of the ladies asked if I was teddy's mum and said he had been well behaved, the other just grunted. Oh joy!
Anyway, the lady in question continued to grunt, moan, hog the telly, turn it on and off with her toes, refuse treatment, talk to the doctors and nurses as if they were, well animals, and watch tv until the early hours. I had my op in the afternoon, and that evening at midnight I crwaled out of bed and went and turned the tv off as she had fallen asleep with it on full blast Gggrrrrr.
The next night at about eleven thirty I asked if we could turn it off as I was a bit tired, (it had been on since nine thirty that morning), she grunted, groaned, moved the tv closer to her, but eventually turned it off. I pulled my curtains round and read for twenty minutes with my personal light on, until she shouted accross that I had to turn my light off as she had had to turn the telly off.......the joys of sharing a ward!
Valentines day came, and Mum had bought me a card for hubby. I gave it to him and looked with expectation at his hands, then his pockets.......and realised there was no card :( A couple of times he mentioned it was at home, but I tried not to dwell on it. My hubby, no valentine card for the 1st time in 19 years sob sob sob.
Anyway, boy did I feel guilty when On my return home on the Friday he came into the room carrying a huge carrier bag full of goodies.......and a card. He had written on it, Please let today be your valentines day!!!!! How sweet, and no I didn't blub! Well I did nearly.
Has today been a long blog? methinks I've whittered a little too much!
Anyway, I'll save some stories for another time........there's 3 weeks worth remember. Oh the joys of the NHS.
Love you and leave you for now.
P.S. NN and R............the flowers are beautiful, I have taken some piccies and will give them pride of place on the blog soon. THankyou, they made my day, they made me cry, they made me feel special!!