Whisky and Coke

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Daily ramblings of a dippy female....smile for me and I'll smile back.....love me and I'll love you back....make time for me and I'll make time for you. xxxxx

Thursday, September 22, 2005

A losing Bid, an infestation and a long lost friend returns!

Grrrrrrrr at E Bay. I was happily bidding all of £1.45 for a much wanted dvd starring none other than Rupert Penry Jones, and some bugger came in at the last minute and outbid me by a penny! I'll just have to look out in the bargain buckets while I'm on my holiday :( cos Nothing is gonna come between me and Rupert on pause! Good thing Spooks is on tonight, I'm planning to record it and re watch it over and over and over...you get the picture LOL

My Ma came round this morning, and blitzed the kitchen. While I was "helping" i noticed a curled up leaf on one of my plants. It was a caterpillar home! Aaargh....that was it, all the plants straight on the doorstep, and a phone call to Dad to bring the pest spray. They were zapped, and are now back in their places pest free hopefully.

I popped online to see if I had any e mails....and had an offline from someone who had left Pal a while back.

If you read this....it's darned good to have you and your room back! Now I have my 2nd home back to loll in during the day, filled with ghosty stories and music. WHat more could a girl ask for ;) apart from Rupert and a box of chocccies of course LOL.

SO welcome Back GG xxxxxxxxxxxx




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