Whisky and Coke

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Daily ramblings of a dippy female....smile for me and I'll smile back.....love me and I'll love you back....make time for me and I'll make time for you. xxxxx

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

G Mail (google-mail) Accounts up for grabs

As some of you may know I have had a G Mail account for a little while, but yesterday I noticed I had invites available for up to 100 people to give away!.

So if anyone wants a G mail address just drop me a comment, there's 97 to go!.

I had a really nice night last night. Hubby was home late, but bless him he bought me a box of choccies to let me know he loves me!!! He's so sweet like that. I think he appreciates that I don't nag (too much) about his long hours. Mind you if you are reading this hubby, Sis In Law will be on you tail soon so watch out. But no, it really is a lovely thought and thank you *hugs*.

So, after dinner we both logged on to the pc's. Him to do more work stuff and me to check on e bay, e mails, blogs and stuff. Anyway, I popped into the Crohn's Zone. A forum which I found a few months ago relating to Crohn's. Normally I would just post on the forum, but the chat room was open with a bout 5 people in there. Well I thought I'd take a nosey.

An hour and a half later, I had to come out cos Medium was due on in 5 minutes. But it was lovely. To be able to chat with fellow Crohnies was just great. There they all were on cam, chatting away, and as I was the "new" girl, they all looked after me.

Hubby was impressed too. To find a chat room where all of us have so much in common is amazing. To know that they understand the disease, and how we feel from day to day is great.

So that and one of my comments put things into perspective a bit more for me yesterday. Yes I want to go back to work, but what's the point of going back not well, and ending up worse than I was before. (Thank you H, you always brighten my day.....and talk sense! and boy do I need some of that occasionally!).

Sis In Law gave me virtually the same talk as well. WOrk isn't everything, my health is more important. So for a while the W word is banned. When I say a while.....I probably mean about a week LOL.

Hubby's car is poorly too :( so my ickle purple people eater is out on the road with him driving it (Poor Car). I must remember that there will be a strange man collecting hubby's car off the drive within the next 24 hours. I've got visions of me running out onto the drive in my jim jam's trying to stop him, then going Oh Hi Chris!

So finger's crossed hubby's car will be ok, my car will be returned in time for blood tests on Friday, and I can make the choccies last for more than one sitting Heheheheheh!

Navie Wifie is coming to see me on Sunday :) Yayyyyyy! So kettle on, feet up and catch up on the goings on with her. It'll be a blast!

Anyway.....enuff rambling for today

Love ya's all mwaaaaaaaah!





At Oct 21, 2005, 5:29:00 AM , Blogger hollibobolli said...

It's wonderful that you have such a caring and sweet husband.. and yes, I can see how soothing it would be to talk to people who understand. When you're in a particular situation, there's something very comforting to know there are people who "get" what you're going through.



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