Whisky and Coke

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Daily ramblings of a dippy female....smile for me and I'll smile back.....love me and I'll love you back....make time for me and I'll make time for you. xxxxx

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good News......Bad News....!

Sorry for not posting over the last couple of days. I have been making the most of having my loveable hubby at home :)

Wednesday we were "stereo laptopping" looking for the best price for a certain something I had a whim for. We even ended up having a "no mine's a better offer" battle, like ping pong LOL. So to settle the score, we visited the two stores involved. Firstly Toys R Us, that gives a clue that it's a game or toy of some sort.

The offer was good, but not quite what I was looking for. Next it was a quick trip into town and Argos. It was perfect, just what I wanted, so......I am now the proud owner of a Shit-Zu called Whisky. Well not a real one. A Nintendogs which just happens to be pink!

You've probably guessed that the chapter that was closed the other weekend was that we had eventually come to the conclusion that we will never have a dog. It wou;d be so unfair, as I've said before, on hubby when I am hospitalised. Yes I was sad. After all nearly twenty one years of my life were spent having a dog. Not only are they four legged fluff balls, but my best friends. I used to sit and talk to one of my dogs in particular....and I'm sure he understood everything I said.

So....the next best thing, was the Nintendogs, and I'm hooked.

So far Whisky recognises my voice....yes I do sit there talking into a games console. She knows the commands so far of, Sit, Lie, Roll Over, and Paww. She camne third in the beginners contest, then we tried again and she came second! I was soooo proud of her. I walk her, she brings me presents. She doesn't like bubble blowers, footballs or Lisa dolls, but she loves her tennis ball, red frisby and me!

That's the good news.

I managed to get an appointment at the clinic to see Mr R. He must have a list of people who when they call up they are "must see's", and from his secretary's reaction to my name I'm on the list.

He was his usual happy self. He even said how well I was looking....and that I had put on weight and had chubby cheeks! Then he looked at the wounds and did the old "fingers in the shape of a gun and pull the trigger" jobby on me. He told me I was top of his list for nightmares! But I know he loves me really.

Anyway, hubby and I had gone into the room expecting him to say, yes no problem here's a prescription for the really strong immunosupressants that will make you feel sick, and make you grow long dark hairs on your hands (seriously that is a side effect of the drug). But no....he said he wants me to be put under again and have the wounds cleaned up a bit. I asked if it was day surgery, he laughed and said he doubted it. He knows me too well, and he knows how painful this surgery is. He knows I'm probably going to be hooked up to morphine for a couple of days afterwards. At least he's honest with me, and he told me he would see how I got on.

So....I'm going in AGAIN, I have to wait for a call for his next available theatre slot, and a bed. He reckons about a fortnight. Hopefully it will be just over a fortnight as hubby and I are due to have a night away at the end of April.

So that's the bad news.

And it's not all that bad really.....I mean, I'll have my pet puppy with me in the hospital, and my crochet, and my puzzle books and reading books, teddy etc etc et.

Life's a beach when you're a regular.

Oh well.....Happy Easter to all.

Love hugs and lots of easter eggs.

WHisky (aka G&T)



At Apr 14, 2006, 10:53:00 PM , Blogger Pres said...


''You know what we would do if we had hands?.....
We would give you a hug!...''


Pickle,Bella & Basil.

At Apr 15, 2006, 5:55:00 AM , Blogger moggie said...

dont matter if we dont have hands, pickle. hugging is still paw-ssible! *hugs all around*

At Apr 15, 2006, 3:31:00 PM , Blogger Pres said...

....Gosh, Moggie's right it is paw-ssible!''Hugs for everybody!!!!'' hey....y'know what else we critters do to show we care...we lick each others faces.''Licks for everybody!!!""""".....


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