Whisky and Coke

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Daily ramblings of a dippy female....smile for me and I'll smile back.....love me and I'll love you back....make time for me and I'll make time for you. xxxxx

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Phone Calls, Visits, and AA!!

Just after I had posted yesterday about the amazing lady (Mrs W) I had met on Sunday, she rang me :) She thanked me for getting her the numbers for her, and asked me to ring and make the appointment. We had a lovely chat, and are both of the same mind when it comes to marriage. It was good to hear her voice, to know she was ok, and to hear her happy.

Off to work, and it was really busy. Mind you, I like it like that, the busier the better. I remembered to leave at my allocated time this week, got home, and was bombarded with phone calls from the dreaded AA (Annoying Avon) lady. Even though I had paid in 90% of my money. I was told in her schooteacherish voice, that my account was on hold. I explained to her that the money I hadn't paid in was for items not received but invoiced for, or received and badly damaged. She, in no uncertain terms, told me I HAD to pay it in by ten o clock this morning or I wouldn't receive my order. I said that would be physically impossible, and she gave me a huge lecture. I managed to butt in, change the subject and ask her if there was any news on my soon to be allocated territory. She stuttered that the big area manger (her boss) was on holiday now until after Christmas. In other words she had forgotten. I told her I would e mail her a list of the houses I deliver to and put the phone down.

The phone rang straight away and it was Avon head office, politely explaining that my account was on hold due to a small amount of arrears, I explained to the lady that it was for items not received or damaged, and she said "No problem Mrs Whisky (insert name here) I'll release it this minute for you, and may I apologise for our error in not sending items, and for items being delivered". Now why can't my Avon area manager be like that! Ggggggrrrrrrrr.

Anyway, I drafted an e mail to her........nearly hit send, but changed it to hubby's e mail address instead, asking him to read over it, as I thought it might be a bit harsh. I don't want her to sue me for defamation of character now do I.

Off I went to see Navie Wifey and was greeted at the door by Miss Crystal her daughter.
As always it was good to see her, we caught up on everything, and had a lovely dinner. In between she explained how she had painted the lovely pictures on her living room walls, and I immediately thought....."I have to do that for our bedroom!!" I really need to pin hubby down to a colour scheme. I have so many bits and bobs for that room, so far undecorated for over three years! I just want it done. I want to sleep in a quiet room. I want it to be shades of brown and cream, or luscious purple's and mauve's. But until I know which color he agree's on I can't do much more. Men!!

Oooooh Navie Wifey, can I ask, if you bought the heart piccies off the net can you send me the link?

We sat together, and I was in awe of Miss Crystal's crystal collection. Such intricate pieces, so well made, so delicate, so pretty! I'm very, very, very tempted....but I think hubby might throw a wobbly if I suddenly swap from pigs to crystal! We haven't the room for all of my pigs as it is LOL.

I had a lovely evening, I just hope they enjoyed my company as much as I did theirs. I left them in the warm, and tottered out into the fog. Scared that at any moment pirates would come and get me, a big lighthouse would appear, strange music would appear, and jamie lee curtis would tell me to run for my life. (The film the fog scares me whitless).

But no, safely home, I texted hubby....as I now have a small amount of credit on my phone! I should really have made headway in going to bed. But no, I started wrapping Christmas presents, got annoyed getting paper cuts, so I headed downstairs with a pile of labels and a rolls of cotton string.

Don't you just hate the labels where you have to pop out a hole of paper from them and then insert the string so you can fix it to the presents. I sat and did half a pack of 80 last night......and I don't think I've done anywhere near enough yet! Each one is like threading a needle!

I always say to hubby every year to get pre stringed ones......does he remember, does he nuts!

Oh joy so much to do so little time. Last day at work today, I say work, but we are having our team Christmas lunch from 12 till 2. Then I only work til 4.30. I did offer to work extra to make up my time, it seems unfair that everyone else is doing nearly a full day, and I will only be working for 2 and a half hours! But Boss S told me a firm no.

So, prawn cocktail, turkey dinner, and xmas pudding await me at twelve. I'll no doubt roll back into work and fall asleep as I'm putting the orders on.

Can you believe it, this is my sixth week back at work.....and I've been taken out three times already! Now that's what I call a good company to work for :)Hopefully hubby will be home at roughly the same time as me.....yay! Biggggg hugsssss.

I need to go get ready for work :)

Hugs for all, and I hope your run up to Christmas goes smoothly :)



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