The Bestest Christmas Ever!!
So sorry for not posting sooner....but Sis In Law's "why haven't you blogged yet?" have finally worn me down (joke). I haven't been on line since the day before Christmas Eve, so long blog warning as there is tons to catch up on.
Christmas Eve was wonderful! We spent the morning tagging gifts, using our secret code to distinguish between hubby's parents and mine. Grouped them all together into relevant visiting days, and left a trail of goody filled carrier bags down the hallway. I did at one point think that if we got broken into the thieves would have such an easy job, but to hell with it, seing those carrier bags full of pressies I didn't give two hoots!
So we went round to my Mum and Dads, and hubby was promptly dumbfounded by his 1st pressy. A washing up bowl full of fruit? Oranges, Banana's melon, mango, strawberries. He was gobsmacked. My Mum was in fits of giggles, and was getting redder and redder. Finally she gave in and gave him his real pressy, a fantastic smoothie maker with a juicer attached. His eyes lit up, his smile lit up the room, and I think if he could of he would've plugged it in there and then and started mixing smoothies, but he knew dinner was on it's way. He even admitted that he had thought about buying himself one but hadn't. "Phew" all round that he hadn't, it had been a well kept secret for weeks.
Mum gave me my main pressy, instructione were we were only to open one pressy each on Christmas Eve, (until I took charge that is). I too was gobsmacked!! I had the most gorgeous pair of earrings!! Gold and diamond K's......quicker than you could say christmas pudding, I was in front of the mirror asking if I had them in the right way round. Beautiful!
Then in between Mum stirring gravy, and filling the oven with goodies I demanded that her and Dad open ALL of their presents. I've never been one for answering my parents back, I think the only time I've ever done that is under the duress of my many anaesthetics......but firm handed Whisky won the day, and they opened them all. Dad loved his cardigan, Mum loved her angel, and the smaller pressies went down well too.
Dinner was lovely! Roast beef and pork, cauliflower cheese, carrots, sprouts, parsnips, green beans, potatoes and yorkshire pudding. Then after an hour we had pudding, peaches in brandy with brandy cream, mix that with the rose wine, and I was quite merry.
All in all it was a wonderful start to Christmas. We were bundled off home with yet more pressies to open the next morning.....we slouched in front of the tv, stuffed and merry as the season demands.
Christmas morning, I had asked hubby to get me up at 10am.....8.30 and I was wide awake and excited.....It's Chwistmas It's Chwistmas I said after my breakfast. I wasn't expecting any presents, after all I had had my phone (it's pink) a few weeks earlier, and that was all I had wanted. About 30 presents from hubby later I was one happy, and spoilt whisky!!
Navie Wifey, and Clever Crafting Friends present were beatiful, and gratefully received, I hope yours were ok?
So much to eat, so much to play with, so much to smell, and so much to look at.
So once we were showered and dressed, hubby did his duty of preparing the extra roast potatoes and swede for Sis In Law, we piled round to theirs early and helped with the dinner festivities.
The food was lovely, the company was excellent, and all in all it was a lovely Christmas day. To see everyone opening their presents, watch them pulling the crackers, take photo's listen to whacky usic from the 80's and 90's, stand in the excellently built smoking quarters, and refrain from getting tipsy made my Christmas extra special. I for one would like to point out that the carver of the turkey, no matter what anyone else said.....did the best job ever!!! so there.
We were drivenhome by Michael Schumaker, oops I mean Ma In Law, we sank into the sofa and chair grinning, stuffed and happy and agreed it was the best Christmas ever.
Boxing day was spent with Ma In Law and the whole family, nearly. More cracker pulling, pressy opening, food eating and fun was had by all. Contrary to popular belief even the adults had presents (evil laugh), and another day was spent in a blur of christmas lights and christmas pudding.
We popped over to Sis in Laws again on her birthday. I'm surprised they aren't fed up of the sight of me yet!! I think her presents went down well, well she did give me a glass of wine rather than a slap, so it must be ok.
My lie ins have become marathons. I really must mention this to the professor when I see him. Is it really normal to sleep for 13 hours, then be awake for 2 and need another nap? The only blessing is, that while I'm asleep I'm not in pain, or popping pills for the pain, I suppose that is an upside?
Hubby returned to work on Thursday boo hooo!!! and Mr Bleach and Sis in Law collected me to go to our nephews 18th Birthday celebrations! It was fun.....again a lot of the family were there, more food, more drink, and snuggles from one very poorly purple princess.....I so hope she is feeling better. Hubby arrived rather late having got lost....and eventually we went home and left the other sis and brother in law and the birthday boy in peace.
Today has been spent sleeping, eating and blogging. Hubby is currently smoothie making in the kitchen, one of his concoctions which I'm sure will taste fantastic.
Tomorrow we are off to Birmingham to see Lord Of the Dance. Here I remind Sis In Law that it will be me admiring the topless male dancers and not hubby!!
I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who has put up with my presence over the last few days. Thank you for the pressies, the cuddles, the food, and the alcohol.....but most of all...thank you all for being you.
Happy New year to everyone!!! Here's to a happy and healthy 2006.
All my love