Whisky and Coke

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Daily ramblings of a dippy female....smile for me and I'll smile back.....love me and I'll love you back....make time for me and I'll make time for you. xxxxx

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Oh What A Night!!

Last night was fun, (well most of it). It was just like old times, the gang all together, and we had a blast! I was on fine form with my cutting comments (evil grin), and someone well and truly had me in fits of laughter relating to a "hot pm". All in all.............we must do it more often!!

Yet again yesterday I managed to do my dressings myself, knowing hubby wouldn't be back until late after his night out. But at least it meant I could have my bath when I was ready :)

He got home about eleven. We sat and had a bit of a chat and then he went to bed. He looked exausted, but I knew he would fall asleep straight away and sleep through everything.

It's a good job, as round about two thirty am all hell broke loose next door! My heart was in my mouth hammering ten to the dozen! All of a sudden the woman next door was running down stairs screaming! I immediately thought the worst, the baby! But no.....it turned out they had picked this time to have one almighty blazing row! Unsettled I went downstairs for a ciggy, and waited for the usual door slam to indicate one of them was driving off in the car. No.....he was screaming at her telling her to go otherwise he would call the police! It was scary.

I crept back up to bed and lay in the darkness, then one of them came into the little girls room which is directly behind the room I am in. I could hear clothes being taken out of the wardrobe, drawers banging. Then the next thing I know the eldest daughter is woken up, and she starts screaming as whoever it is carries them downstairs....then heavy footsteps back upstairs and the ransacking continued. I looked at the clock and it was nearly four am! I must have dropped off at some point, and the next thing I remember was hearing hubby creep out to go to work.

I haven't heard anything from them so far today.....and it makes me wonder how people can live like that. I know it's hard having children, and it puts stresses and strains on even the best of relationships, but surely to put the children through it as well is a bit much! I just hope all is well.

So yes I got up late today, and it's raining so I can't get the washing out! But hey ho, there are worse things that could happen.......

I'll love you and leave you for now.




At Mar 28, 2006, 6:05:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You poor thing, I sympathise with you as I know how it feels. I had neighbours years ago where the male partner used to hit his girlfriend and she would be screaming and crying on more than one occassion I called the police and they took him away, but she always had him back! The most frightening thing is hearing it all happening!!!! It really isn't fair on the children either they are going to grow up thinking that the shouting and crying is normal!!! Good to hear you are feeling sooooo much better, will be in touch and round for a visit soon, crystal kids dance show this week so absolutely manic with In-Laws arriving on Friday to see the show and no hubby!!!!!! Take care Whisky.....Navy Wifie xx


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