Whisky and Coke

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Daily ramblings of a dippy female....smile for me and I'll smile back.....love me and I'll love you back....make time for me and I'll make time for you. xxxxx

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Todays The Day!!!

I know.....we are only dogsitting.....but it's gonna be my idea of heaven!!

Yesterday was my last lie in for just over a week. I am going to get up early every day the doggy Sam is here to help keep him within his routine.

So I got up and read the papers, had a bath and dressing change, and then waited patiently for Sis In Law.....and she was on time/early!

Babysitting Little Miss Pink and Little Miss Purple was cool. They were really well behaved, and hubby was too which is a miracle. Well I say he behaved.....he did while the girls were around, once they had gone up to bed I swear him and Mr Bleach (Bro In Law) were having a breaking wind competition!

After a fish and chip supper and a good old chin wag we came home. Hubby was tired, he has been all week bless him. For now he has less stress in his new job, no doubt once he has learned the basics it will change. But it's soooo nice to have him home at about six in the evenings, and nice to know that he doesn't leave home in the mornings until after eight. It used to be not much after six am and home anytime between seven and ten pm!

When he was considering changing jobs, his main concern was the fact that he may need to work away from home sometimes. I told him straight, I would prefer him working away from home and being happy, rather than working all hours including weekends, and in the evenings and being stressed out. So far the change has done him good :)

I nearly sang the theme tune to the twighlight zone last night as well.....SIL (Sis In Law) was showing me some pictures on the pc and there were some of poppies, amongst other flowers on there. Weird.....only two nights ago I had been out in our garden and taken about four pictures of our poppies! Hubby saw the ones one SIL's pc and thought they were mine!! Dooo doo doo doo LOL.

So this morning I was up bright and early, washed and hung out loads of clothes, helped Mum around the house.....yes I did help this week!

I lay out in the sun for a while, felt myself burning and went in and had a cold bath. I lay on the bed trying to get a sleep in, but no....my tummy wanted food.

SO here I am fed and watered, blogging and waiting patiently for hubby to come home and then the phone call to say doggy Sam is on his way :)

My college friend is visiting tomorrow afternoon as well....she has been warned that there will be a dog on the loose......and it's not Sam! My friend only bumped into (literally) Mr Robbie Williams on her travels...she is bringing her photo's with her, she might get mugged by me and end up without them LOL. (jke)

I've known her since I was seventeen so thats ermmmmmmmmmm 18 years!! OMG I feel old.
Anyway.....I'm too excited to type too much, I'm off to surf for a while.

Hugs for all




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