Whisky and Coke

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Daily ramblings of a dippy female....smile for me and I'll smile back.....love me and I'll love you back....make time for me and I'll make time for you. xxxxx

Friday, January 05, 2007

I'm Waiting For A Service......

Well, the boiler is ;)......and hubby will be home later yayyyyyy!!

Yesterday at work, someone once again said the "Q" word......and orders galore. 7 page orders, 8 page orders, 9 page orders etc etc, and yes I got to ring the bell yet again, right as our Sales Director walked into the office. Me blushing, he grabbed me, said well done and hugged me. It's only an order! The point of ringing the bell is to let everyone in the office know that you have keyed an order worth over £10,000. Let me just explain here that the average price of our items is about £17.00. Therefore, that's a lot of keying! Imagine 20 items with 9 digit codes on each page, times that by ten......lots of entering :) But, you know what? I love it. I really thought I would struggle keying numerically. After spending the last two years on my laptop using numberical keys above the letters, to have a number pad at the side of your keypad is bliss!

The phones were busy too.....and one customer in particular kept ringing me every five minutes.....it was fun :)

So, goodbye's said, and Boss S forgot to wish me luck :( I tootled off home. The house was lovely and clean as my Mum had been round, I settled down to a milky coffee, and practised ermmmmm let's just, for now, say practisd two. I have a choice of two SIL, but I still don't know what to wear!!

I'm off to see Mum at the shop as soon as the boiler man has gone, and if there is nothing suitable there, I will go all along the shops until I find hopefully, the right outfit. Mum has poo poo'd the hat. Saying it might give the wrong impression :( I'll take it though, as my good luck charm from you and the girls :)

I have numerous forms to fill in, along with a confidentiality clause! Oh my, what am I letting myself in for.

I'm determined not to tell more until after the event, I've done things like this before, told everyone about it, and then all fell through, so I don't want to jinx things. So, all will be revealed on Monday. I know nothing will come of it, I know I'm not good enough, I know it's just something I need to try. If I think negative, and it's a positive outcome then I won't be disappointed.

Let's just say here and now, please can anyone who reads this have their fingers crossed for me at 2.00pm UK time on Monday. Please!

I'm hoping that hubby won't be home when I get back from seing Mum. Then I can have a lovely hot bubble bath, and greet him smelling of ermmmm blackberries!

I was going to post two video's to ask you guys a favour, but it won't let me Grrrrrr. So, if anyone has a video phone, and they would like to see my two "options" for Monday, let me know. Navie Wifey?

Oh, Navey Wifey..........I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new "do". It suits you sooooooo much. Cute and chic, sophisticated. Just like you :) I really must have a go at doing one of your French Manicures, do you think pink or purple would look right? Maybe a deep purple at the ends would stand out better!

I'm buzzing......and it's not due to the milky coffee. Hubby has so many decisions to help me with over the weekend. So many forms to help me fill in. He even has to take a photograph of me and print it out on his new printer :) Ooohhhhhhh exciting!

I must go, the boiler man will be here any minute. Then it's off to the shops to loo for the special outfit. Anyone got a purple or pink leather trouser suit?! Tight trousers? Oh........I really don't know what to do!!

Bye for now.




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