Whisky and Coke

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Daily ramblings of a dippy female....smile for me and I'll smile back.....love me and I'll love you back....make time for me and I'll make time for you. xxxxx

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Reality Bites

It's strange how one persons comments can hit right at the heart, cut to the bone, take your breath away and leave you so shocked you don't know how to react or reply.

That was the situation yesterday, and I'm still reeling from it now.

I share a lot on here, but in my life things are personal. Those closest to me know the truth, the reality and the reasons. But to have someone you have not long met come out and ask you so many abrubt questions within two minutes and make their own assumptions of me and my marriage don't go down well in Whisky land.

I will say, it was instant dislike with this person and that hasn't changed, maybe they will.

Ho Hum!

Sorry for not blogging, but with work, Mum and Dad's 50th anniversary last week, and the glorious sunshine here in the UK I have been a busy bee. Sunday was spent lazing in the sune, and hubby was amazed at just how deep a tan I can get within an hour and a half......roll on four weeks tomorrow. I will be sat on a sun lounger on Cala D'or beach. Holding hubby's hand as we once again feel at home.

And again in sixteen weeks. Twice to the same place? It's our second home there. We feel safe, secure, and peaceful. Our paces match, and we enjoy our solitude together. As well as the fact the apartments we go to rock, along wit seeing our friends at the restaurants!!!!

Oh well better go do some work.



Four weeks and 8 hours to go.....and counting!



At Apr 20, 2007, 3:22:00 AM , Blogger Sandra said...


Take care always!!

Lots of HUGS headed your way from Texas!!!!!!!,



At Apr 21, 2007, 6:49:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't read the comments to know what happened but just ignore whomever is being crappy. You know I've had my share of it. You know who you are - and most likely, they don't.

Did you get my email about the packages?

Write back when you can.




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