Whisky and Coke

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Daily ramblings of a dippy female....smile for me and I'll smile back.....love me and I'll love you back....make time for me and I'll make time for you. xxxxx

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Recovery Day

Tuesday was spent sleeping in, catching up on the net, chatting to Bride to Be :) and cooking dinner :(

Hubby came home, not as late as usual, but still late, we had dinner and sat and watched tv together. Life of Grime was absolutely revolting, traffic cops was ok.......and then cam two episodes of Lost. And yes, I'm even more confused now than I was at the end of the last series!

I recorded Medium, as I can't miss an episode of that! and I shall try and watch that tomorrow.

I so have to check on my nintendogs! I bet they have both run away.....but hopefully they will remember I love them and come home ready to play with My Mum's Nintendoggy tomorrow.

You'd never beleive from this that I am a thirty five year old woman would you?!

Oh well....I'm sat here in full sunlight slowly melting in the heat.

Can someone turn t'big light off for me?

Love n hugs




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