Whisky and Coke

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Daily ramblings of a dippy female....smile for me and I'll smile back.....love me and I'll love you back....make time for me and I'll make time for you. xxxxx

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Count To Three......But They Only Got To Two!!!

Being the dutiful Aunt that I am, I was up at 7am on Saturday, and after breakfast I headed over to Sis In Laws (SIL) for the ear piercing of Little Miss Purple. We counted out her money, made sure she had enough for the said piercing, and some of course for the sweety stall!

SIL and I were expecting her either tho change her mind beforehand, or even after only one ear had been pierced. But no.....once she was seated on the chair within the store, that just so happened to be purple! she settled down and seemed quite excited. We stood still and respected the two minutes silence in rememberance of our fallen soldiers, and then off we went. Ears cleaned, and numbed, dots drawn, then another lady appeared. They were going to, very cleverly, do both ears at the same time. Now SIL had warned me of something, but I had never witnessed it before. After a final choice check on the earrings, and of course that Little Miss Purple still wanted it done, they stood either side of her, her Mummy in front, positioned the magic silver guns, and told her they were going to count to three, and do it on three.

I sneaked in at the side to watch, the ladies looked at each other, counted together....."One.......Two(BANG) they didn't even get to three, and of course because Little Miss Purple was expecting it to be don one three she was a bit surprised.

Yes she had the intitial flinch when it was done, but after she had seen them in the mirror, of course it was a purple one, she was really, really proud of herself, and so was I!

We wandered to the sweety stall, and SIL took me into a lovely shoe shop. I wandered down the side glancing down the aisles as I went, and a lovely pair of shoes caught my eye. Size 6....too big, size 5 1/2 too big....are my feet shrinking? size 5 fitted me perfectly, and after proving to SIL I could actually walk in them, as they were high heels, but thick heels, I bought them.

We got home, had a lovely lunch made for my by Little Miss Purple, and sat and chatted. Mr Bleach seemed pleased with the earrings, he even made scrambled eggs all round, and then volunteered to make dinner for SIL!!!

I was asked earlier if hubby was romantic. I had to say yes, as he is. I told them that as long as I am feeling ok, I cook Monday to Thursday, take away on Friday, and he cooks at the weekend. Maybe this is what prompted Mr Bleach to decide to cook? But who cares.....hopefully it gave SIL a well deserved night off!!!

I travelled home, and no mistakes along the way this time, Robbie Williams blaring at full volume as I drove along. My idea of heaven. A long road, and just me and Robbie in a car! Pity it was just a cd version :(

Hubby seemed pleased to see me when I got home, I had a quick cold drink, and off I went to collect my Avon books. I found out, yet again, that the road I had tried to cover was already covered. I'm going to have to resort to plan B. Cover the areas around my Mum and Dad, as no one seems to go round there! I did get one more order off one of my regular ladies, so it made the walk worthwhile :)

After an hour or so on the pc and listening to music, I had a bath, put on some make up, got dressed, and we were ready to go out with my Chinese Buddy and her hubby :)

It was a lovely cosy Thai restaurant. Never having had Thai before, I obviously didn't know what to choose. Chinese Buddy and her hubby R advised us to have a set menu, as that way we could share a selection of different dishes. We had....Fish curry, Red curry, Beef in oyster sauce, and chicken sweet and sour for main course with boiled rice. I had made the mistake during the starter of dipping one of my prawn toasts in the chilli sauce....so I was a bit wary. I have to say, the chicken sweet and sour was adorable, as was the beef in oyster sauce, the pork red curry was nice and my first mouthful of the fish curry seemed nice as well. Extremely strong fish taste, but mixed with some wonderful herbs and spices and covered in a thin batter it was lovely. But after I had tasted the others I seemed to go off it.

Hubby and R had a dessert, hubby had coconut pancakes, which looked like green pasta parcels but tasted lovely, and R had banana fritters. Whole banana in batter with coconut, and drizzled with syrup......scrummmmmmmyyy!!

Chinese buddy came out, with, what I thought was a really clever riddle. Hubby proceeded to analyse it, then R joined in, poor Chinese buddy looked really deflated. Then I chimed in with my, "what goes up a drainpipe down, but won't come down a drainpipe up" one......and more analysis began! Boys hey!

All in all it was a wonderful evening that I thoroughly enjoyed. The food was lovely, and company was excellent. And we even got a little bird to bring home :)

With our starters, on a nest of carrots and cabbage came a beautifully carved bird. At first we thought it was made from a potato, but we soon worked out it was a swede. I have taken plently of pictures so I will add them tomorrow, but her name is Philomena! and she now resides in my freezer to be brought out as part of my Christmas centrepiece when Mum and Dad come to us for Christmas dinner :) Mum will think I'm really clever.......sssshhhhh! don't tell her!

Of course we watched the X Factor, hubby went to bed and I watched Afterlife. It was the last one of the series.......and to me extremely sad that the (don't read any further if you have recorded it and not watched it yet!!) lead character died.

Maybe it's the end of the programme! Or maybe it's just the beginning of what could be a very, very clever twist.

For now I'll leave you to enjoy your Sunday. I need to go feed Philomena!

Hugs galore





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