Whisky and Coke

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Daily ramblings of a dippy female....smile for me and I'll smile back.....love me and I'll love you back....make time for me and I'll make time for you. xxxxx

Friday, July 28, 2006

A Goodbye, A Welcome Back,A farewell and I'll See You Soon

Sammy the dog left us on Wednesday night. He returned home to his Mommy and Daddy, and was extremely excited to see them! Of course I'll miss the brown eyes looking at me and the patter of his feet on the kitchen floor......but he needs to be home being loved by V and A.

Hopefully, we are doggysitting again in September........and in the best possible way I can't wait.

Sis In Law and Mr Bleach will return from their sun drenched trip this weekend, just as we leave for ours. I've missed them and the girls. No phone calls asking if you're "Allriiiight?" I just hope the holiday was as fun and relaxing as they deserved.

CCF (Clever Crafting Friend) came to visit me last week. It was lovely to catch up on everything....and she looks so well :) We sat in the garden in the shade, and occasionally Sam came to check we were still there. She couldn't believe that he is thirteen. He has such a bounce in his step I'm sure he's still a puppy at heart.

I'm looking forward to my holiday. ALthough, as always, I feel guilty about going away while I'm still off W***. I'm looking at it as a way of building my strength back up in readiness for my return. It will be early starts, days out and lots of walking, and that's what I need to build myself up energy wise.

I saw the Dermatologist this week, and he was amazed at my progress. He said he couldn't believe the difference in my wounds from the last time I saw him which was a month ago. I've been taking Hair, Skin and Nail supplements which are packed with Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin D and Folic acid and they have worked soooooo well. He said it was the best thing I could have done......upped my system with just the right vitamins to help promote the healing process. He also commented on my suntan....I thought he was going to warn me about wearing sun cream, but he again said that it would boost my system. All in all my body seems to be coping well. Touch wood**

I know I'm absolutely covered in scars.....but who cares...it's only skin after all, the real person is the one inside and that's what counts :)

I'm pleased to report that Beautiful B is home!!! I hope I'm not out of order posting about her.....but she has really touched my heart. I know how much her illness has upset and worried Holli. I know I only know Holli and Faith via blogland, but they are special to me. Her writing skills are second to none, her sense of humour is wonderful, and her ability to touch people's hearts with her moving stories is amazing. Seing baby Faith grow via pictures and words is indescribable. I can compare her to Little Miss Pink and Little Miss Purple and imagine her personality and sense of humour developing in the same ways as theirs.

I just hope, as I said in my comment that I don't come accross as weird. That's the last thing I want. Bride and Groom To Be will tell you that on here I am a little paranoid. I'm forever worrying if I have upset or offended someone. I guess it's just that on here you cant always see peoples reactions to what you have written. DOes that make sense? When hubby and I met up with B and G 2 B it was a bit scary at first. Hubby had hardly ever spoken to them and the only communication we had had really was in a chatroom and over the phone. But we clicked immediatly. Sense of humours and things in common prevailed and we had the best weekend ever in their presence. Hubby now see's them as his drinking buddies, and I see them as two of my closes friends, along with CCF, Navie Wifie and of course Sis In Law. I had a dilemma last week, and the first person I called was Bride To Be. That's how much I value our friendship.

Anyway.....I guess what I'm trying to say is, some people "poo poo" the thought of making friends over the internet. Yes some of my best friends I met at work, or college, but I'm glad I expanded my world onto the big wide web as well. They are after all real people too. It's not as if they are automated robots creating words from a dictionary programmed into a micro chip. They have emotions, feelings and dreams and wishes just like the rest of us. I guess we are brave being able to share them on here in words and pictures. Maybe it's stuff we can't always say in "real life" and it's easier to type it and press save or send. But I know for sure during my journey over the last two or three years it has helped me no end.

There were times when I cried as I read things on here, times when I laughed and smiled......and times when I realised I'm not the only one with troubles. Most importantly I've realised that typing a few words on someone's web site or MSN or in a chat room can bring someone back their smiles or laughs. I'm not physically able to cross the world and hug someone to make them feel better, but I can leave a comment or send an e mail to let them know I care.

This is one loooooong post isn't it!

Also I discovered the Crohns Zone web site. It is a never ending source of inspiration, advise and support for people like me who have IBD. I go to them with Crohn's or ileostomy related problems and again am soon made to feel better.

I've learned from Moggie that nature is a wonderful thing. I look at plants, tree's clouds, birds, insects and animals differently and almost hear the click in my head as I take a mentl picture of it in my internal camera. He is a treasure. He has the eye for a picture you wouldn't believe......and every time I see a rainbow I think of him :)

I've learned from Pickle that a dogs life is to be treasured. Drawn fantastically his insights on doggy behaviour and thoughts always makes me smile. Especially today's picture of a doggy bottom burp!!

So......the next time you see someone without a smile, give them yours. The next time you see someone in pain, give them a kind word or a hug. The next time you sense someone is lonely, send them an e mail, letter or pick up the phone. Not all people in this world are good......but the majority are and they deserve the best from each and every one of us.

Remember if we all think like that, the next time you are without a smile, in pain or lonely....someone will be there for you.

Hugs for all
I'll be back in a week and two days or so.
I'll be thinking of youall so behave! and hopefully I'll be seing some of you soon ;)

Love and kisses too



Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Happy Blogging Birthday!

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of this blog! Where has the time gone? When I think about some of the stories I've shared on here.....well.

We are still doggysitting :) Sam-uel Chucklebunny has settled in well again. He really is a cheeky chappy.....the other night he botty burped in the conservatory, then looked at hubby as if to say "did you HAVE to do that"...then promptly sneezed.

I said to hubby as he went up to bed, I would take him out for a short walk before I came up to bed, he said "I think you ought to!" referring to the lovely aroma filling the room LOL.

Sam has been guarding the house like a fortress. He barks and grabs the post through the letterbox, and if anyone sets foot on the drive he goes mental! I think I confused him yesterday, I did about seven loads of washing, and everytime the washing machine finishes it does a loud click to unlock the washing machine door. Well every time it did it, Sam thought it was the letterbox.....off he went barking at the door bless him.

If ever next doors dog is out in the garden Sam comes out and walks past tail in the air telling Nelson he is the boss. He barks at him, then trots back to me as if to say "did'nt I do well!"

V (Sam's Mom) rang yesterday to see if they were to collect him on Tuesday, or Wednesday. I answered quickly Wednesday is fine! Then I had to ask her if it was ok for her to be without her best buddy for another day!

I really am in my element.

Saturday of course we had major thunderstorms....I was woken at 5.30am by thunder, and a little brown pair of eyes looking scared. I got up and cuddled him until it had passed.

I did creep back to bed for a sleep, just in time for the next storm which lasted for a good two hours. Sammy was petrified.....he followed hubby everywhere as if he was attached by a string to his leg....I think he thought, he's bigger he can protect me more. Then whenever hubby sat back down he would snuggle up to me, sammy that is, and I would try and reassure him it was all ok.

Eventually I worked out that if you massage his neck both above and below his collar he falls off to sleep no matter how hard it's thundering, and Sammy worked out that even when it's not storming, if you lay next to Whisky she will massage your back and neck as much as you want. It makes him sleepy, but it's sooo cute to watch his eyes close with his face almost smiling.

Today I'm off to see the dermatologist again. Fingers crossed all is going really really well. I'm hoping that, in August when I see the surgeon, he might confirm my ambitions and let me go back to w***.

Hopefully there is a parcel on a plane, or boat somewhere heading towards America. After approx three months I've managed to get it in the post.....with an extra something for Brittany too.

If the link from here to Brittany's site isn't working...please visit Baby Faith's site and you will find the link on the top left hand side of Holli's page. I visit her site every day now and read up on her journal. SHe is one brave and very strong little girl.

Enough rambling from me.

Love and hugs as always



Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Heat Induced Lethargy

The UK this week has hit over 100 degrees.....up until this week I've enjoyed the sun. Sitting out in it in the late afternoon and devloping my tan. But this week has just been silly.

I can't even step outside until after 5pm, and then all I am doing it lying on the sun lounger in the shade and falling asleep!

But....it's amazing what you notice when your outside.

At the weekend, hubby sat with me for a while....it was ant day. When all of the ant nests suddenly burst into life and the queens come out and fly. How do they know to all do it on the same day?!

Anyway....that was me hooked. Watching them fight their way out of the nests, fly off and some get caught by birds or caught in spiders webs. The lawn was almost glistening there were so many on their, their wings catching the sunlight.

Here's where stoopid Whisky comes into action.

I had been watching one spider carry and ant to it's lair, then watching more webs on the washing line and counting how many ants were caught in it....when I remembered "my spider". He has created a beautiful web that I had been admiring the day before, on the garage eaves. I went to check....and he hadn't caught any ants!!

I was most distressed and proceeded to take one ant from another web and place it delicately on his web so he had one.

I told you I was stoopid.

Hubby had brought a new head for the hose....we haven't got a hose pipe ban here yet. and he had it on mist and was spraying himself...he even brought out Snoopy our pet cockatiel, placed him in the shade at the side of him and sat with him for a couple of hours.

The next morning he woke up with a sore shoulder....the funniest thing happened.

He got out the tens machine (small battery powered machine with sticky pads that alleviate pain, and massage the muscles using electric mini shocks). He placed the pads on his shoulder and turned it on.

He was sat there quite happily as it vibrated away. He lifted his arm to get his drink and he couldn't pick the glass up as it was making his arm twitch......well I fell about laughing. It was like Peter Crouch doing his robot dance....now hubby can't really dance...but I had visions of him with tens pads attached to legs and arms to make him dance like a puppet. The tears were streaming down my face and all hubby could say what....it's not funny....it was from where I was sitting!!

Hopefully we are seing The Bride and Groom to be soon on our holiday. As long as the terms and conditions are ok for the caravan site we are staying on they will join us with the twins for a night and I can't wait!!

Catch up....tarot readings, laughs and probably a very drunk hubby.

On that note I'll leave you.

Please remember to keep Brittany in your thoughts.

Hugs for all



Monday, July 17, 2006

Still Hot But Who Cares!

England is still wrapped in a heatwave....temperatures today are due to soar up to 100 degrees. We even had a severe heatwave health warning on the news last night. I have to admit I've been a bit of a sun junkie over the last week. I've been sensible and not hit the sun lounger until about 4pm, but my tan is looking good.

I visited the doctor (gp) last week. He is going to help me to give up smoking once I am back at w***. He says it will be too stressful right now.

I don't want to ramble on today. My main reason for posting is to ask you guys to pop along to this site Brittany‘s Site. and join me in keeping this beautiful and strong person in our thoughts and prayers.

Please read the journal and the guestbook and leave a message. I'm sure they might bring a smile to her face in her times of trouble.

I'm not an extremely religious person. I know there is something greater than us and sometimes I don't understand his logic. But I do know that the more people we have sending positive vibes, thoughts and prayers, the more courage this little on will have to fight.

Thankyou for reading today's post. And an extra big thankyou if you've clicked on the link and spent just a little of your time sharing Brittany's plight.

Healing hugs



Sunday, July 09, 2006

Pink Phone Pffffffffffffffffffffffft!!!!

gin and tonic/ updated!!

Angry........isn't the word. Yesterday hubby took me out, and we bought yet another, now the fourth, lot of software and cableing for my phone. Did it work.....did it yahtzee!

I really wish that I hadn't got this darned thing. Yes I adore it, it's pink, it's tiny, it keeps me in contact with the world.....it has some treasured photo's on it. But can I get them off the darned thing without paying over the odds all the time by e mailing them. Can I soduko.

So if anyone knows of how or where I can get the relevant data cable, and software for a Samsung E330 mobile phone (it's pink, did I tell you?) I will be eternally grateful.

Anyway, back to other issues. I apologise for a certain 30 year old brown haired hunk taking over my blog....I really didn't realise his picture would be that big!!

I've just checked back to my post on My Top Ten Men
and Jensen came in at number six.....now he's whizzed up to number two, him and Wentworth have swapped.

**slaps herself round the chops to remove image of swapping with Went and Jen**

Once July has archived it will resume it's normal size. And once we hit July 24th my blog will be a year old!!!!

Where has the time gone?

I'm off to get angry some more at my mobile phone, you know, the pink one.

Love and hugs


gin and tonic/ updated!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

England's Out, Heatwave, and Rock Rocks!

The BBQ at SIL's (Sis In Laws) went well. I even ended up getting involved in a serious water fight, and watching England lose at the penalty stage ine the football. Luckily I was saved by the loan of a tee shirt and shorts....otherwise I dread to think how I would have coped driving hubby's car home with a soggy bottom, never mind a sore one!

I've realised my last post about Mr R my surgeon and the Birmingham Dr may have been misconstrued. In the UK Dr's aren't as high up the rankings as the Mr's. So Mr R is "top surgeon" whereas the birmingham Dr is a consultant, but without as much experience. Mr's outdo Dr's......does that make sense? I hope that helped a bit Holli :)

The reason I haven't blogged, isn't because I have been out touring the country in my car or anything, it's because it's been too darned hot!! Out internet connection, cleverly is in the conservatory. It hit 90 degrees here this week. I tried to get on the web, but I was perspiring more than I could drink......and having Crohn's dehydration is only a step away so I have to be careful.

I have to be honest as well.....I'm back to sleeping for England. If they put me in goal for us as a sleeper I would win hands down in the world cup.

I go through fazes....more of which to come....I will be alert, wake up early and go to bed early....a good girl, normally with something to focus on....but right now I'm up till all hours and sleeping in :(

It didn't help that the last two episodes of Supernatural were so good that I stayed up late to watch them, then did the same for the repeats, and recorded them!!

I'm sorry, but Jensen Ackle's is a hottie! Wink wink......Bride to be might agree.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

On the penultimate episode they played a song which I really liked over the recap of the series bit at the beginning. I downloaded it. It's Kansas, Wayward Son and it's brilliant. It's sent me back into my rock faze. I told you there were more fazes coming up!

Anyway.....everynow and again I hit my rock faze.....out goes Kelly Clarkson, Lucy Silvas and Robbie Williams (not for long), and in comes, Creed, Nickleback, Blue Oyster Cult and Kansas. Volume up, and rockin out Whisky!!

I only like rock songs with meaning though ;) I'm old fashioned, a song has to tell a story for me to like it....or have an amazing guitar or piano section. I'm quite into good drum backing as well.....Kansas Wayward son fills all of these criteria, and is currently on repeat.

Anyway....I've babbled and rambled enough for today....I think it's too much sleep.

I've had another fantastic few days....healing well.....and knowing that soon I will be able to return to W***. Aaaaaaaargh!!

Time to go and wake up a bit.

Hugs for all

