Enough Already!!!
Ok, so last week at work was ermmmmm manic to say the least. I've started doing the strangest things. We have doody headsets which enable us to walk around the office, to the fax machines or filing station and still answer calls, or be talking to customers. It's cool, and I feel like a robotic Whisky. But....I'm getting confuddled at times. I have to swap ears occasionally, as now I'm wearing glasses full time they tend to dig in with the head set.
To answer a call on the head set you need to press a small button that is situated over your ear (but on the headset, get it?). So swap ears, go to answer call, wrong ear! There's me, pressing my ear instead of the button on the headset! D'oooh.
I get it, press the button, the hand set on the phone doesn't lift up immediately so I press the button again, just as the head set lifts up and cut off the call. Double D'oooh.
I'm speaking to a customer, they say good bye, and instead of pressing said button on headset I press F1 on the computer keyboard to go back a screen. Triple D'oooh.
Or, if I need to call someone I dial there number on my ginormous calculator and wonder why the phone isn't ringing!!
Oh, and I forgot to mention, in my confusion I even managed to staple my finger. Yes......I mean actually put a staple in my finger. For some reason it didn't fold over like it does on paper, maybe that's because the bone was in the way!!!!
Believe it or not with all of that going on I still manage to take at least one hundred calls a day :) as well as keying or transferring edi orders in multitudes. So much so that in one day last week I rang the bell twice, indicating 20,000.00 of orders. I then tang the bell twice for The Gentleman, and for Supervisor S. Unfortunately we can't add up the amounts over the value of the 10,00. Eg, one of my orders was for 27, and Supervisor S's for 23, therefore it really could have been 5 rings not four. Not four, not fair!!
I read my horoscopes, I love them, as well as Angel cards, Tarot cards and anything slightly psychic. But, I really listen to my horoscopes. (Imagines Sis In Law saying "Here we go" right now).
Well,.....yesterdays horoscope said. You can turn an annoying work colleague into a friend. How's that for accuracy. I will, well I'll try. I am amicable at work. I will never ever ignore someone simply because of their upbringing. I may not enter into personal chit chat with them, but I will engage in work talk. Maybe behind her hard outer spoken words there is a caring person inside. I will make it my challenge to find out, and bring that caring person forward!!!
Or at least point out to her that telling someone that their body clock is ticking away due to their age is not something that should be said if you don't know anything about the person!!
I did however make one of my Whisky slip ups whilst talking to her last week, and I have to add here that I DID apologise profusely afterwards as witnessed by almost the whole office with me red faced.
The conversation went like this.....
S=other person
W= Whisky
S - I need one of your Pipeline orders please.
W - ok, they should be somewhere in here (grabbing my complete section of P orders from my file and starting to flick through them)
W- Someone's been in my filing, it's all messed up!
S - Well it wasn't me I only looked in the B's earlier.
W- No, I know it wasn't you, but look...... (holding up an order that in no way shape or form belonged in the letter P section and stating loudly)
There's no F in P's!!!!
Now say that to yourself out loud, come one I dare you.....get it......get it?!
I as I mentioned, immediately went into apologetic mode.
W- Oh My, I'm soooooo sorry, I really didn't mean that to sound how it did. I would never swear at anyone. Oh I'm sooooo sorry!!
S- (Laughing) (Me laughing nervously and getting redder and redder) It's fine, don't worry, at least we can laugh about it!
I then notice that most of the sales team is looking at me, trying to work out whether it was a deliberate mistake or not. They notice how embarrassed I am and work out it was a mistake. I get looks that indicate to me, "You couldn't have planned that any better" or "you go girl!" and we all fall about laughing.
At least it made me realise this person has a sense of humour.....and I swear, I will find the good in her and bring it forward. That is my mission.
This week is going to be absolutely manic. If want to see hubby at all in the next two weeks, including a bank holiday, I have to drive up to Liverpool. Hello...this is me that's only ever driven on the smallest motorway in the UK!!! That's a two hour drive on major motorways!
Either I drive up to him for a long weekend, or I travel on the train. Do I prefer driving in the safety of my own car, in my own speed, or travelling on a vehicle I have no control over with gawd knows how many other people on board? Hmmmm methinks the car with the mp3 blaring loudly chain smoking all the way to curb the nerves whilst listening to hubby's Tom Tom.
Wish me luck!
So, Monday, shopping with Mum :) Tuesday through to Thursday work full time. Friday, lie in, pack, and drive for two hours. SPend weekend up until Monday with Hubby and his work colleagues, oh yeah, he is working by the way. All the more time for me to sleep in the hotel room yessssssss.
Drive home, and chill before going back to work on Tuesday.
Scared? Who me? Nooooo
Absolutely terrified!!!!!!!!!!
Love and hugs, and remember, there's no F in P's!!!!