Whisky and Coke

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Daily ramblings of a dippy female....smile for me and I'll smile back.....love me and I'll love you back....make time for me and I'll make time for you. xxxxx

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

New Beginnings

It's hubby's last day in his current job today. Tomorrow he starts afresh. New job, new outlook, new manager, new beginnings.

I wish him all the luck in the world although I know he doesn't need it. He has worked so hard to get where he is now, and I am so proud of him.

I think this week is a bit of a catch up for me. I know it didn't sound as if I did much last week, but I'm sooooo tired. It's made me realise yet again, that I'm not as strong as I could be. I changed the bed last night and was exhausted for half an hour afterwards.....where does all my strength go?!

I'm also still gaining weight, which is a good thing, but now my trousers are too tight!! I'm worried that the new clothes hubby bought me at bargain prices from Tesco may be too small.....no I still haven't tried some of them on. The tops will be ok.....but the skirts?? I'll have to have a major try on session, but guess what....yes, it will wear me out!

9 days to go until Sam arrives. I have received my instruction sheet on feeding times, and walking instructions etc. I can't wait! To have company all day long while hubby is at work.....to have something to fuss, something to go for a walk for, almost a new lease of life for me.

4 months to go until the Robbie concert.....can you tell I'm excited!

The sun is out, the birds are singing, today I feel healthy and that is a blessing in itself.

Here's to a happy new beginning.

Love and hugs



Birthday's, BBQ's, Bumps, Bites and Belated Blogs

Oooohh All B's!

Hubby's birthday went well. He seemed to like his presents from me. He had a singing birthday cake from Mum and Dad which he looked gobsmacked at but loved! We went out for a lovely meal.....I ate too much, as usual, and kept having to pop outside for some fresh air, but al four of us had ouddings and they were scrummy.

Sunday we went over to Sis and Bro In Laws. Sis in Laws Mum is visiting from her homeland, and she gave us some lovely pressies! I have to say again, there really was no need.....but the choccies are lovely!

With hubby in charge of the BBQ, and Little Miss Pink and Little Miss Purple playing on the slide it was fun! Little Miss Purple and I wrote out a menu, and then we all sat down to eat. As always lovely burgers!

Ma and Pa in Law turned up as well. They missed hubby accidentally injuring Little Miss Purple! It always ends in tears...I tried to tell him, but does he listen to me?

The hairdressing salon was ressurected, and Bro In Law, hubby, the girls and I went for a lovely walk. I have to say it was a bit chilly....but who needs to borrow a jacket when you have two toasty warm hands holding yours!

Sis in Law drove us home...thank you for the non Schumacker bumps ;) Thankyou for putting up with us....especially hubby!

Hubby and I sat down to watch Big Brother....yes we are addicted. It was quite weird actually....as one of the girls pointed out a spider in the diary room a mosquito buzzed around my head. I didn't half jump!

Little did I know that that darned mozzy would feast on me all night long!!!

Monday morning, the last day of hubby's holiday :( I was up early as doggy Sam and his owners were coming to visit. I think it was another visit in readiness for his four day stay with us. After my bath my poor legs were itching like crazy....that's when I realised that it had been nibbling me during the night. FIVE bites! The little bugger! Five lumps, five itching red bumps!

Sam and his owners came, he seemed to recognise me and let me fuss him. He had a good roam around the garden marking it LOL. We took him for a walk to the green not far from us, I let him off the lead, and he came back no problem when he heard the rustle of the bag with his biscuits in!

We all settled down for a chat and coffee, and Sam made himself at home. Dozing on the conservatory floor in the sun. Popping out into the garden to bark at motorbikes and sirens and then back in and dozing some more. I'm going to love my four days dog sitting!

After Sam had gone, we went out to Macdonalds for lunch, and then onto a garden centre. It poured down with rain and we got soaked, but the centre was lovely. We got one plant for the front garden. I went for a doze as soon as we got back. WHat was meant to be a five minute lay down turned intoa three hour sleep.

Big Brother had us on the edge of our seats. Two new housemates and another departure!!

I'm sorry the blog is belated. Last week was a bit of a blur. But I will try to blog more this week :)

10 days to doggy sitting.

Four months to Robbie!!!

Hugs for all

Whisky (aka G&T)


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Happy Birthday!! To My Hubby...................

Today is hubby's birthday.....I won't say how old, a year older than last year, and a year younger than next.

He's still young at heart and that's what I love most about him.

It was supposed to be a day of surprises for him...but he's so far managed to turn the tables.

I missed a delivery this morning, yes ok, so I wasn't awake enough at nine am to open the door to the post man. Hubby announced that it was our anniversary present for September.

He's only managed to get tickets to see Robbie Williams live at Milton Keynes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm in shock, excited and feeling loopy.


Love n hugs



Friday, May 26, 2006

What a Week It's Been!!

Wow! I can't believe it's Friday already....where to begin.

Sunday was an important persons "special" birthday. I won't say who or how old as I don't want to embarass them.

We had a lovely family dinner at Ma In Laws with birthday cake, balloons, and as ususla hubby tormenting children left right and centre. He always seems to get the kids into trouble, but he does it with such a grin on his face you can't help but love him LOL.

Arrangements were made to visit Sis and Bro In Law for dinner this Sunday. SO no doubt hubby will wreak more havoc!

Monday, as hubby is on his holidays this week, we just chilled out. We are both totally addicted to Big Brother 7, so every night at 9pm we sit and analyse the programme. It's fun!

Tuesday I was up early and went round to Mum and Dad's to tune in their new tv. There was me bragging it will be no problem. All set up, tv, video, dvd player and Sky. The tv is frantically scanning for a picture and me and Dad are sat on the floor in front of it watching it count down and wondering why no pictures are showing. Whisky has a brain wave and realises she hadn't plugged the aerial in.....d'oh!

Wednesday, up early again and went on a secret mission to get a couple of pressies for hubby's birthday on Saturday.

It was also another special persons birthday. Nephew M was 8.....we popped round to give him his card and stuff, I had to do a quick return as I hadn't had any lunch (hubby's fault) and felt a bit queasy. It's one of the two or three Crohn's symptoms I get. If I don't eat I feel ill, then if I eat something too quick I feel the same. We got home, had dinner, and sure enough I had to go for a lie down to recover from dinner....I can't win LOL.

Thursday, Mum came round to help me with the cleaning. I was naughty this week. I kidnapped her Nintendo and played with her doggies. I had discovered earlier in the week that if you sit your nintendo nearthe speaker when you are playing music, the doggies dance!

SO i was trying it with mum's doggies and Robbie WIlliams...the doggies loved it, but Mum caught me in the act LOL.

So, last night Mum and Dad, hubby and I went for dinner at Ma and Dad In Laws. I wasn't feeling brilliant as I had had an "accident" just before we went out. Now don't laugh too much. I had brought a new deodorant, one of the Nivea compact ones. I went to squirt it and nothing came out, so stoopid woman I am I squirted at the same time as looking at it and it went in my eye!!

Talk about painful! Hubby did nothing but laugh and get me the Optrex. Mum and Dad thought it funny as well. Thankfully by the time we got home it was feeling much better. Hubby even commented that my eye smelt nice as well!! Gggrrrrrrrr.

So here I am on Friday.....I have caught up with everyone's blogs :) and am glad to see Pickle back in action. Sorry for the few days abscence, but I have been a busy little bunny. Wel......sort of LOL.

I also am quite proud today! The Crohn's Zone had posted on their forum that they were looking for new Board Monitors. People to help out making sure posts are clean and child friendly etc. I applied not thinking I would hear back.....but I was accepted!!! It's one below the Moderators position as they have access to all of the forums, but I'm sure if I work hard I may get a promotion :) So woooohooooooo! for Whisky.

I still say it is the best forum environment I have ever found for Crohn's sufferers. Everyone is friendly, they are full of info. I have leanred more from the people there than I ever have from the doctors, and I would recommend it to anyone with Crohn's disease, Colitis or any form of IBD (irritable bowel disease).

So with that I will love you and leave you.

Hugs for all

WHisky (Aka G&T)

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxp.s. if anyone has any more ideas like the letters post or 5 items post let me know.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Five Things..........

Another post borrowed from Holli.....but she did mention she had tagged the univers so anyone could join in ;)

The idea is, self explanatory really, describe five things in various places......so here goes.

5 Things in my fridge

1. Milk and lots of it. I am still drinking my milky coffee's. It seems to be the one thing that is helping me put the weight on....along with something else I'll mention in a moment. I only have one or two cups a day, but I have that much coffee in it you could stand your spoon in it LOL.

2. Cheese. Only Davidstow will do. Strong but no afterbite. In a sandwhich with mayonnaise, and pickle sauce (branston pickle without the lumps) another weight gaining food for me!

3. Beer. Most of the time our fridge is groaning. Not with food, but with the various bottles of beer squeezed into any space available by hubby. You got to put your hand on the butter and come out with a bottle of beer!

4. Archers Passion Explosion. Hmmmmm! An alcopop. Archers, but not the usual peach one. This one has passionflower, mango, pineapple and coconut....and is scrummy. A nice refreshing drink.

5. Liz Earl Eye Bright. When I was working and earning my own money, one of the things I would treat myself to was Liz Earle's beauty products. They are completely natural with no chemicals or perfumes, and having sensitive skin they suit me really well. The eye bright is best kept in the fridge. On a hot day, or if your eyes are tired or feel crummy, soak two cotton wool pads in eye bright and relax with them on your eyes. It's wonderful. I tried this once. I had seen it on the telly where they did one eye and not the other and it was amazing, but I didn't believe it. I thought they had cut away, made up one eye and not the other and then cut back. So me being me, I tried it. One eye covered with a pad covered in eye bright for ten minutes and one eye not. Amazing! My one eye was bright, refreshed, the skin tighter, the eye whiter, and it felt wonderful. The untreated eye was dull, dark circles underneath and felt tired and scratchy. If you don';t have room in the fridge for the bottle, soak your cotton wool pads in it, then pop them in the fridge for half an hour before using......highly recommended.

5 Items In My Closet

1. My beautiful black shoes that I wore to my wedding reception nearly 14 years ago. I had to wear high heels as hubby is 6ft and I'm only 5ft2". I saw these shoes and fell in love with them. I bought my night time outfit aroud the shoes and was so proud. Then I realised, I had bought the shoes after traipsing round town all day and my feet were swollen. They were a size too big!!!!! So on the night I stuffed tissue paper down the toes....don't tell anyone! They are still in my wardrobe, only ever worn on that night.

2. Sleevless dresses/shirt dresses. Being a shorty, these dresses seem to suit me. Fitted waist, collar buttons down the front. They make me look taller, slimmer and I feel confident wearing them. The fact that my wardrobe is filled with a variety of sizes of clothes too makes it fun! I have "poorly dresses" for when I have lost loads of weight, and "bigger dresses" for times like now when I look healthy and need a slightly bigger size.

3.Nightclothes. I have to admit, I'm a pyjamaholic. Anything purple, pink, comfy or matching and I have to have it. Hubby started me off by one christmas buying me a pj set with matching socks. It all spiralled out of control recently when Tesco expanded their nightwear section......and I hear the Primark which is coming to our town soon has a whole floor of nightwear!!! Aaaaaaargh.

4. Shoe box of photo's. It's almost like a memory box, but mainly pictures. Me at college, me in France on a school trip with a long lost best friend. Me and my dog Griff, me and my dog Buttons, pictures of a dog we had for a while but had to give away :( he was a rottweiler doberman cross called Spike....completely untrainable, but I loved him to bits. I always look at these to remember my childhood.

5. Handbags/purses. Typical woman. I think I've kept every handbag I've ever owned. It's fun to sort through them and find thing you had forgotten you had. I recently found a hairbrush I used to use when my hair was so long I could sit on it. As I'm growing my hair again I resurrected it. Yes I did wash it first!! One question for the women.....guys cover your eyes now! Why is it with every handbag you find, you find copious amounts of tampons! Strange.

5 Items In My Car

Considering I haven't been able to drive my car for apprx 2 years I'll need to think about this one LOL.

1. Sunglasses clip!. This was given to me by my Aunt when we visited her in Australia. She had one in her car, they slide onto your rearview mirror and hold your sunglasses. She realised my favourite colour was purple and brought me and hubby one each as part of our leaving presents. It sits proudly in my car always holding my sunglasses in a place that's easy to reach..

2. CD player. My Mum and Dad and hubby bought me this about 4 years ago for my birthday. I had a man come to my works to fit it for me....and it's truly had a blasting. I love nothing more than to drive on a sunny day with my favourite music playing full blast singing along.

3.Works Car Pass. Still stuck to my sindscreen. Hopefully it will be put to good use soon.

4. Box. In my boot/trunk, I have a plastic crate style box. In it is a bottle fo water for topping up radiator or screen wash. A first aid kit. A blanket, you never know when you might want a picnic! A cusion with my initial on it made for me by my sister. Various pink and purple piggies. A green toy witch broomstick and all, I can't remember why but it's there!

5.Jumper/cardigan/jacket. For some unknown reason, there is always someting like this on my back seat! I "lost" a black cardigan two years ago.....I've just remembered where it is.

5 Items In My Handbag/Purse

1.Tablets. I have to keep my painkillers nearby, so there is always a strip or two in my handbag.

2.Pink and black circular zip purse. Hubby bought me this last year for Christmas. Its pink, the same colour as my phone, it has a mirror attached on a ribbon, that slots into the back. My Mother in Law for chrismtas as a stocking filler brought me a circluar piggy notebook, which fits perfectly into the same slot as the mirror. I use it for.....guess what.....yes putting my tablets in.

3. Tampons. SOrry guys, but they are always there.

4.Lipstick. I have about four different lipsticks in my current handbag. Some cheap, some expensive. But do I use them! Naaaaah.

5. House keys. One time when I was in the hospital, I used to sit up in the bed and look around the room. My Mum and Dad said I looked like a meerkat. I have a meerkat on my keyring and I love it!

So there you go. A little peep into my world. A word of warning though. DOn't try and open my wardrobe.......you might disappear forever under a tumbling pile of clothes!!!!!

Love to all, especially Holli for the inspiration, and tagging of the universe.

Whisky (aka G&T)


Borrowed From Holli.....The Letter E

At last I can join in on a tag game!

The idea of this one is, that you ask to play and are given a letter from the alphabet. You then have to choose and talk about ten things of importance to you beginning with that letter.

I read Holli's
post brought to you by the letter V and asked if I could join in. I was allocated the letter E......so here goes.

Ten things of most importance to me beginning with the letter E

1. Education - I think, that with the help and dedication of my parents, my education helped shape my life. My first memories of school are being bullied. I was in a toilet cubicle, actually doing my business, and three or four older girls kicked in the door, piled in and kicked my shins until they were black and blue. My parents quickly took me out of that school. They asked me what I wanted to do....I said sing and dance. They then scrimped, saved, worked hard, and struggled to send me to a private dance school. The only thinkg I hated about my seven years there was my green uniform. I still never wear green to this day.

I was lucky enough to be a strong singer, and a competent dancer. I auditioned along with everyone else for no end of shows. I was chosen to be in pantomime after pantomime, all of which I have fond memories of. I danced with the Scottish ballet, I was even in a tv show for a short time. I'll tell which one shortly. I had elocution lessons and exams. Studied ballet, tap, modern, greek, gymnastics, national dance, ballroom dance.....as well as having the best start to my education possible.

I thrived in english, my only downfall being left handed. I loved history, was ok at maths, adored french, put up with home economics and biology, but all in all those days were some of the best of my life. SO thankyou Mum and Dad for my Education.

2. Emu's World.....the tv show I was in. Yes, Ok, I was sad enough to be in the first series. It was only shown in the Uk...so hopefully I won't be too embarased by this. I can remember Rod Hull not being a nice person, whether drunk or sober. I can remember that darned emu's beak being made of fibreglass and attaching itself to my arm. I can remember take after take doing a routine to "shaking Stevens- Green Door" because Mr Hull was too drunk to remember his cues. I can remember my best friend in school being chosen to be in the little monsters outfit. He was Grotbags (the wicked witch's) assistant. I can remember being sick on the coach to twycross zoo....I did tell the teachers not to sit me at the back!

3. Ears - This one just came to me in a flash!. I love my hubby's ear lobes. I know this sounds strange....but they are so soft. I have always thought if ever there was a game show where you had to choose a part of your hubby you would recognise by touch alone....it would be his ears. (No rude suggestions LOL). On his right ear he has a scar from when he fell at school and caught it on the corner of a desk. Al in all....I love my hubby's ears!

4. Empathy. (Getting really deep now). I was once told I was too empathetic. I worry too much about my friends and those around me, and tend not to worry about myself. Surely that's a good thing?!

5. Encyclopedic! Using all of the big words aren't I! When I was young I used to read a lot. I always had my head buried in a book. I read Carrie at the age of seven, and have been hooked on Stephen King, James Herbert, and many other authors since. I soak up information about topics I like. If you tell me that the easy way to do long division is to do such and such....I will forget it in a second. I f you tell me that someone has an undiagnosed condition, or that a murderer was caught using a specific use of forensics or psychology I will remember it forever. Whenever Casualty, or CSI is on the tv I will reel off multiple illnesses, diseases or causes of death as I get the clues from the programme. Sometimes I am right....if I'm not I learn it and remember it. So in some ways my brain is "encyclopedic" and I love it.

6. Envy. Yes, like every woman, the green eyed dragon rears its ugly head in my mind. I'm not envious of looks, after all you are what you are and beauty is only skin deep. I am however envious of the past. Or more specifically someone from the past that if ever I met I would flatten. I know I married him, I know he is devoted to me.....but someone was there first and hurt him badly, and of that I'm envious.

By the way....I've had to keep working on this all weekend, as although E seems like an easy letter....it's harder than you think LOL.

I don't, however,know why I didn't come up with this one earlier!

7. EATING!!! My initial Crohn's (before my ileostomy) meant I could only eat certain things. Nothing spicy, hardly any vegetables or fruit apart from tomatoes. I lived on a diet of biscuits, burgers, chicken, bread and tomotoes. Now however....I can eat for england!! I can eat almost anything. No hard fruits such as apples, I have to have them stewed or baked, not too many nuts, for which I get cravings for every now and again and regret it! But as long as it's not liver, kidney or asparagus I'm there! So number seven is important......EATING!!! Yayyyy.

8.England. Yes I admit it...I love my country. My favourite places to be are by the sea, or in the country surrounded by trees, birds and animals, and no I don't mean hubby. When I was a child and had dogs I would walk for hours. On holidays I would walk never knowing where I would end up, but always finding my way back to base. But those were in the days that a child was safe to do that. I love Norfolk, Cornwall, Bournemouth, Newquay, Brighton and especially Blackpool. So ENgland rocks!

9. Entertaining. This word covers quite a lot for me. It could be me being entertained, by my love for books, or tv shows, films or poetry. Or it could be me entertaining people. My singing from when I used to sing with the band, or act on stage at college. Or my general persona. I love to see people smile or laugh...I'm proud of my sense of humour. My ability to laugh at myself, and my cutting wit that will either shock you or reduce you to fits of giggles.

10.Embrace. Probably my most loved thing in the world. Embrace is another word for hold or hug. Hugs off hubby are the best ever!

I made it.....Holli, it's harder than it looks.

If anyone else wants to play along, please feel free to drop me a comment and I will give you a letter, or pop along to Holli's site and she will dish them out as well.

Have fun!!

And Holli......thankyou for sharing!

Love and hugs

Whisky (aka G&T)


Sunday, May 21, 2006

Surprise Visitors!! (but at least they gave me an hours notice)

Well.....what can I say! I had just, literally just posted my previous blog and the telephone rang. Hubby answered it, and passed the phone to me. A little voice asked if I was busy....and reminded me that a few weeks ago they had said they may come to visit. I said that all I asked was an hours notice to make myself decent (and tidy up). The voice then said "well this is your hours notice!".

I came off the phone....had an immediate hot flush, got excited, panicked, and ran upstairs to have a bath. I came back downstairs and me and hubby had a frantic tidy up, wash up etc.

Bride and Groom To Be were on their way!!!

They were collecting GTB (Groom To Be's) Mum and were going to call in here for a cup of coffee and a chat.

I have known them for a year and two months. We met online in a chat room. We clicked straight away. BTB (Bride To Be) and I have the same sort of sense of humour. We are able to take the micky out of ourselves and then fall about laughing afterwards. Sometimes it's scary....as we seem to read each others minds. If we are chatting on MSN or in a chat room we will type in the same thing at the same time and then go "Snap".

Almost exactly twelve months ago to the day hubby and I went to their hometown for a visit. We stayed three nights and three days. We were nervous as we hadn't "met" them before, only chatted on the internet and over the phone. We all gelled. Hubby and GTB hit it off, and BTB and me hit it off. All in all we had one of the best long weekends ever, and came away knowing we would be friends for a long long time. The only thing we all said we regretted was not having the courage to give each other hugs as we left.

ANyway, back to today. The phone rang again, and hubby directed them to our house. I timed it so I stepped out to the front of the house just as they turned into the road.

GTB greeted me with "I thought you needed an hours notice to make an effort"....well I was in my PJ's.

But most importantly, once everyone was out of the car.....it was hugs all round!

We sat and chatted, they had brought their two adorable daughters with them. Identical twin girls who I had trouble telling apart twelve months ago....and am still no better now.

Coffee and Archers all round.....juice for the girls. GTB played with the Nintendogs for a little while. I forgot to get BTB to have a go!

All in all it brought back wicked memories....and it proves that "online" friends are just as important as friends you meet in the street or at work.

So yes, I'm sat here blogging as I promised I would. Knowing that you are driving back down the motorway......probably singing along to the radio or cd player as the twins sleep in the back of the car with GTB's Mum. (Who I have to say was lovely too!).

I'll be online tonight....I need to know you are home safe. BTB knew that I would only worry. That's what friendship is all about. Worrying about the people you care about. So SIL, CCF, NW, NN, GTB and BTB, Holli and Faith, Moggie and Pickle, Steph and Willow.......if I worry, it's because I care!

Soon, maybe sooner than you think (wink wink) we will go to see GTB and BTB again. We'll have another bbq in the rain....we'll walk accross the beach and talk about the sun rays, the girls will gossip while the guys go and fetch the milk chasers. And I bet I'll still turn round and answer him when GTB calls me "Whisky".

Hopefully it won't just be one visit. Hopefully there will be many more to come. Not all in one year (don't panic)......but for many more years.

Drive safely, sing loudly, but most of all be happy!

Love to all



P.s. I got hugs as they left too yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Why......Revealed (Confusing blog warning)

After reading everyone's comments, e mails and phone calls relating to my last post, I needed to clarfiy something.

It could get a little topsy turvy, so bear with me!

The reason why I wrote "Why!, wasn't due to me not blogging anymore, it wasn't a self depreciation thing either. I'll come clean.

The reason why I wrote "why" was in case anyone was reading this and thought it was a little "strange". I've realised that with this being open to the whole big wide web thing that anyone can access it. I know the world is big, and my life is small, but if anyone happened to come accross it who knew me, they might think it a little weird.

I took Steph's advice and got a web counter that tells you where people are that are reading it and I noticed one in a certain town in Australia. My Aunt lives there, and I got my hopes up that it might be her.....but it wasn't. So I put "Why" on there just in case. Sort of an explanation of why I post....maybe it was so I didn't get collected by the men in little white coats!

Anyway, thats why.

The last two days have been a bit of a blur. I think the whole hospital thing caught up with me. The build up, to get a bed or not, the admittance, the op, anaesthetic, and worry of what I would wake up to, and how long I might be in for. Then almost a sense of anti climax when it was all over. A mixture of relief and confusion.

But the good thing is, I'm still healing well, feeling well, eating well, and putting on weight. My weight has fluctuated...from a healthy ten and a half stone in my "pre Crohn's" years. To six stone during my three month hospital stay. Now I'm finally back up to nine stone. My cheeks don't look permanently sucked in anymore, and it doesnt hurt to lie on my tummy in bed....my hips don't dig into the matress anymore!

I think it's the continuous midnight snacks of cheese toasties, or drinks of hot milk that are doing it. But hey! I don't mind.

Ma In Law visited me on Thursday, we had a good catch up, and we got an invite for home made lasagne too!

My Mum and Dad came round on Friday. While Mum "flitted" round the house I was playing with both her and my Nintendo. Darned clever they are. We were able to swap dogs and play with each others pets. I gave her doggy a present, and it meant that it has opened up the Schnauzer breed on my game, and the Shit-zu breed on hers. My Dad did ask what happened if they bred. I said we would probably end up with a Schnau-Shit!

I still can't get over the intricacies of such a small game card. I can sit and play with it for three or four hours at a time and get tired rather than bored.

Anyway.....I'm rambling.

I have another post to do, so I'll be back soon.

Love you all

Hugs for all



Thursday, May 18, 2006


Why do I Blog? Why do I type out my innermost thoughts and feelings in a place where anyone can read them, analyse them, and comment on them?

The answer is I don't know for certain.

I've always written for as long as I can remember. Poetry, stories, plays and musicals whie I was at college. I have so many ideas spinning round in my head for novels it's untrue. Maybe this is a way to gain confidence in my writing ability. Maybe it's a way to test the water with my sense of humour. Maybe it's a record for me to look back at, memories, happy times, sad times.

All I know is I will write my books. I will write my blog. If the two happen to cross paths along the way that's fine. If peole don't like it, don't read it.

I only ever critisize myself on here. I put my own world to rights, and try not to encroach on anyone elses.

I have made friends along the way, that had I not blogged I would never have met. With a few positive words we help each other through tough times, and laugh with each other not at each other, and I wouldn't change a thing.

I love to write.......I have notebooks everywhere, some full of words, som empty but bought just for that "special" project I want to write.

The fact that this notebook will never run out of pages is important.

I never mean to offend anyone.

I'll leave you for now, and tomorrow I'll turn another page.

I hope you'll turn along with me.

Love and hugs



Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Much Shorter Than Expected!!

No not me! I know I'm only 5ft2" but come on cut me some slack!

I mean my hospital stay!

Firstly, Saturday's bbq at Sis In Law's was wicked. We got there just about on time, hubby assembled the bbq while I had a disco session with the girls. Of course I had to wear the pink "be bop" head wear, and the pink feather boer whilst dancing! Then, as the bbq was only half assembled tutt tutt.....we had a hair dressing session. Miss Pink selected two braids clipped at the back of her head with matching clips, whilst Miss Purple had as many braids as possible LOL. We finished just in time for tea. I have to say, those burgers are tasty!

We ate, we sat and watched some of Monsters Inc, we wrote stories, we read....someone pointed out literally that my chest was gorwing as I have put on weight...but you don't mind when it's a three year old :) Hubby and Sis In Law were in fits of laughter.

We left, drove home and chilled out on the sofa knowing Sis In Law was "allright".

Sunday I managed to get a lie in. Hubby took me out for a carvery lunch, and just as I started to eat my phone rang. It was the hospital. On Saturday they had said no beds and they would ring me on Sunday. Sure enough, still no beds....but I was to go into the day surgery unit for 8am Monday Morning. Panic!

I knew it was Mr R's (my surgeons) way of getting me in the hospital. Once you are in and have been operated on they have to find you a bed. A cunning plan.

So Monday morning hubby dropped me off, literally, I hoped he would have come in with me, or at least carry my really heavy bag....but no, a quick kiss and goodbye in the car park.

I was booked in, put on a bed, checked over ny the aneasthetist who said seing as I had been starved of food and drink since midnight I could go down to theatre quite early. 10.45 am and I was off.

As usual as soon as I got into the "air lock" I started blubbing. You'd think after 25+ operations I would be used to it. She gave me the magic potion to calm me down. It hits you like ten or more gin and tonics....and every five minutes she topped me up as they were slightly delayed.

She put me to sleep...I did stop her and say thankyou for looking after me. I like to be polite, even when people are sending me into the land of nod.

I came round and was moved back to the day surgery unit. Catheter and pca (patient controlled analgesia, morphine) attached. Straight away the sister got on the hpne to find me a bed. As I was on the morphine I had to stay overnight, and it had to be on a ward in case of any complications.

Just as hubby turned up they moved me to a ward. Being a regular I knew a few members of staff so felt at home. I was allowed to eat, and drink and was looking forward to an early night. But the other patients had other plans.

4.30am I finally got to sleep! Then they woke me at six for blood pressure, 8 for breakfast, and 9 the doctors came round.Mr R said things had gone realy well. He was pleased with how well I had healed from the last op in February, and he hadn't had to do too much this time. He said as soon as the catheter was out, and the morphine was gone I could go home.

I went back to sleep, eventually woke up and had some lunch. Had my pca and catheter removed, went in the bath and did my own dressings. The nurse checked everything and agreed as long as I was happy I could go home.

The wounds are fine. No where near as intrusive as last time, just really a tidy up which I was relieved about.

So....hubby collected me last night, and I'm here happy I'm home. I had a good nights sleep.

Mum and Dad brought me some lunch today, and we had a play on our Nintendo's. I'll go into more detail about that at another time.

So....all in all I'm back ready to wreak havoc in blogland once more.

Steph, thankyou for your kind words.....Pickle....the pictures are beatiful, and thankyou for thinking of me.

Bride and Groom to be, I'm sorry I didnt get chance to ring, and I hope you are all ok.

Sis In Law......."you allright?"

Love and hugs for all



Saturday, May 13, 2006

Thunder and Lightening

Last night we had the biggest thunder storm ever! At one point hubby heard the lightening "crack", and seconds later there was the biggest clap of thunder. It was so loud and unexpected that I screamed!

Anyway, I'm sort of in limbo at the moment. I know I have to ring the hospital at four o clock to see if there is a bed. It will be the usual...."sorry no beds right now, we'll ring you tomorrow". As of yet I haven't packed a thing. This time I really must cut down on the amount I take in with me. I sort of move in LOL.

I'm going to limit it to three pairs of pj's this time instead of my whole collection.

I keep thinking, I'm going to miss Lost, Prison Break, Supernatural, Medium, House, Strictly Dance Fever, Dr Who.........Sad aren't I.

Seriously, I'm hoping this visit will only be short. I'm not planning on breaking my record of four months....but I would like to improve on my recod of three weeks. Besides....someone is the big 40 next weekend and I need to be there to remind him how old he is! The week after that is hubby's birthday. Oh poop...please let it be a quick stay.

I had a lovely visit yesterday from Navie Wifey :) We caught up on all of her news, and she said I looked really well. I'm hoping that soon I can drive round to hers for a change. It makes me feel so guilty that everyone has to come and see me all of the time. But it also reminds me of what good friends I have :)

I promise, as soon as I'm back up and running in the purple people eater I'll be round to see you all.

As it's the weekend and my hubby chauffer is here we are going to Sis In Laws to wreak havoc ;)

Hubby is going to assemble their new bbq, and also cook. He doesn't know it yet, but he'll be loading the dishwasher and washing up as well LOL.

Sis In Law deserves a rest today........after all she has had mad people ringing her all week asking if she is allright!

I have a new "fancy man". Ben Richards....one of the judges of Strictly Dance Fever. Phwoaarrr! He is luvverly. Married unfortunately....but I can still drool. He was also in Footballers wives, which I never watched, and is also in Holby City at the moment too.

Oh well......I'd better go get ready.

This may be my last post for a while. I might get chance to post tomorrow. If I can I will. If not.........I'll be back as soon as I can.

I'll look foward to catching up on all of your sites, so Holli, Moggie, Pickle, Steph, Bride and Groom to be, Pingu, Willow and baby Jonah keep posting :)

Love and hugs for all

Whisky (aka G&T)


Thursday, May 11, 2006

"Are You Alright?!"

What a busy few days I've had!

Tuesday, we had a plan. Hubby was going to go fill my car up with petrol, and I was going to drive to my pre op assesment. Hubby gets into car....car won't start!

Plan changes... poor hubby had to drive thirty miles to work for three hours, then drive back pick me up. He then sat with me at the hospital for three hours, dropped me off at home, then drove back to work again. Bless him he is my angel.

Pre op went well, I was called a "fit bird" by the nurse. It's been a long time since anyone has said that about me.

Wednesday, another early start. Mum and Dad picked me up and we went to see Dr L the gastro. Thankfully we were only there for an hour, and he doesn't want to see me for six months. Basically he is handing over to Mr R my surgeon.

We popped to Tesco and got some sandwiches for lunch and went back to Mum and Dad's. We had a good old chin wag.....and cooked up a cunning plan to freak out Sis In Law. I have to say hubby, and Dad had nothing to do with it....it was all me and Mum. Mwaaaahaaaaaahaaaaaa!

Sis in Law.........."Are you alright?!"

Time for me to run, hide, duck, anything possible to escape the revenge of the Sis In Law LOL.

D'oh....we are going there for dinner on Saturday,she could poison me!

Some more news that I have been given permission to divulge, and gosh it was sooooo hard keeping a secret!

Hubby has a new job :)

All I will say on this, is as soon as he received the call to say the job was his it was as if he went into a second childhood. I have my happy hubby back and I couldn't ask for more :)

On my "next blog" travels I have found two amazing blogs. Both completely different. In alphabetical order only, because I don't have favourites, I introduce to you...........moggie's world a beautiful journey of photography. He currently has a caption section on there, so please have a look and drop in your comments. And also Life as a Pickle an incredible artistic view of life from a dogs perspective, and the "author" has even drawn me a little picture to wish me well during my hospital stay. Please pop along and have a look.

So for now.....I'll love you and leave you as always.

I hope everyone is "allright"

Hugs for everyone



Monday, May 08, 2006

Nervous Wreck...........

I finally managed to work up the confidence to update work on my condition today. I had to do it by e mail as phone calls always end up reducing me to tears! I'll just have to wait and see what response I get.

I also have to date for my admittance! May 14th :( I guess I'd better start doing my lists, and packing up my books and crochet to take in with me.

It's so frustrating......since the last op I feel so well. The wounds have healed brilliantly apart from one area. And if it wasn't for the new lumps in really awkward, but not so painful places, I would be fine! These last two weeks I have actually been able to sit! and I mean sit on my bottom, on the sofa, on the bed, anywhere. FGS I can actually use my bum for the first time in nearly two years! Wooooohoooooo.

I just hope that Mr R takes this into consideration when they knock me out and start chopping away. I've decided as well....and this will sound ridiculous. I know they have pens that they use to mark parts on peoples skin before operations. I'm going toask if I can borrow one. If I draw circles around each lump and bump, they won't miss any, and any additional ones operated on will just be a bonus. In other words.....I'm getting bored of being like this now. I want my life back. I want to go to work. I want to sit all day long. I want to be able to drive. I know I'll never have the energy I once had before the Crohn's, but at least I can enjoy wearing myself out if that makes any sense.

Ggggggrrrrrr! I don't rant very often, but I'm getting on my own nerves.

As an example, this week I would love to be able to get in the car and go see Sis In Law to torment her. Or even look after the girls for an hour or two while she mooches round Tesco's, or has a sleep ;)

Or get in the car and go for a walk in a field somewhere.

Go to work....see my old friends, use my brain, speak to the customers and my coleagues. FInd out how long it will be before they sack me LOL.

I guess it's just built up waiting for the op date. Sorry. ANgry Whisky doesnt suit me.

The new game I have on my Nintendo is wicked. It's called TRauma Center, and it's all about operating on people. Mwaaaahaaaaaa!

No seriously, I am a Doctor, who has more than medical skills. He has "the healing touch" which enables him to slow down time, and therefore complete more difficult operations. Well it should do if it wasn't me in control LOL.

I'm stuck on operation six. The aneurysms are getting the better of me, my astamosis skills suck. Oh well.....I'd better sharpen my scalpel and try again.

I'll love you and leave you. Thankyou for letting me rant. Hmmmm, it's my blog and I'll rant if I want to, rant if I want to, rant if I want to.....you would rant to if it happened to youuuuuuuu.

Love y'all




Saturday, May 06, 2006

Why Does It Always Rain On Me.........

Sis In Law was right.....I spoke to her on the phone last night and she said it would rain all weekend. I got up late this morning, and the sun was shining. Hubby went outside to mow the lawn...and the heavens opened. So much for having a B B Q this weekend :(

Friday was yet another late start for me. I say I'm still catching up from last week (wink wink nudge nudge). CCF (Clever Crafting Friend) came to see me, and as always we had a lovely chat. I gave her a couple of my new night time regime tea bags to try. Even though I am on the sleeping tablets I still have trouble getting to sleep. I bought some herbal "night time" tea bags recently to try. You have to remember I don't drink tea....can't stand the taste of it. But these are ok. All natural, no caffeine. They have chamomile, and blackcurrant leaves and such like in. You let them stew in the cup of hot water for five minutes, add honey to taste.....and they really work. Within ten minuted of drinking it I am ready for bed and straight to sleep.

CCF is going to give them a try too. SHe also lent me a couple of books to read. SO now I can drink my tea, read my book, and doze off contented.

Last nights dvd night was Oceans twelve. I hadn't seen this film, It was ok....not as good as Oceans eleven. But having George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon in one film makes up for anything. I've noticed as well that whenever I mention any names like that i.e. Tom Cruise.....my viewing figures on the blog shoot up. Obviously people doing a search. Sorry to disappoint any Tom fans....but this isn't a blog dedicated to him LOL.

I'm off to hide from the rain. Maybe I'll go watch one of my dvd's with Tom Cruise in it.........mwahahahahahahah!

Love and hugs for all



Friday, May 05, 2006

This Little Piggy....................

For about a week now I've been trying to think of the complete nursery rhyme. It started when hubby woke me up one morning by pulling my big toe and starting the rhyme.....could we finish it between us?! No, so if anyone knows the full version please let me know 'cos it's annoying me now LOL.

Today was fun, as all Thursdays are :) My Mum came round, I gave her a few more tips on the Nintendogs.....but she didn't bring hers with her :( I was so looking forward to playing with her little puppy, and her being able to see mine. Mind you it's supposed to be a housework day not a play day.....but who would know?!

We had a good chat about anything and everything. She did tell me off though. Our sliding patio doors were open, which means you can do a circle in the house. From the conservatory, into the kitchen, hall, and living room and vice versa. Mum thought I was still in the conservatory, so when she saw me perched on the two seater in the living room it scared her LOL. I managed to do it again, not deliberately, upstairs. I appeared in the bedroom and she was gobsmacked.

How do dyson vacuum cleaners suck up so much! Hubby had only done the living room on Monday during the furniture move around, Mum emptied it, then the next second there was this big ball of fluff going round and round in circles! Surely there wasn't that much dust on the floor!!!

I still haven't heard from the hospital, so I must ring them about getting admitted. I know I asked for it to be after 28th May so maybe it's my fault. I hope Mr R still loves me LOL.

Yesterday was fun. Bride to Be and I were having a real laugh on MSN. Designer dinners and all sorts. We were reminiscing about our long weekend with them this time last year......it brought back some good memories. I still have one regret though. We were all too scared to hug when we said goodbye!

Hopefully we can all meet up again soon.

Anyway hubby is on the phone to me telling me he is on his way home so I had better go shove the chicken in the oven.

Love and big hugs for everyone



Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Introducing to the world....Stained Glass Alice

If there are any SKA fans out there, this is THE new band to see. Ok so I am biased as one of the band members is a relative. So what, they are still bloomin good!!

I was surprised that this once quiet, but intelligent young lad had this in him. Not only is he a fantastic literary writer who is studying criminal psychology at Uni, not only does he write for a well known online gaming group..........but he sings, writes songs, and plays an instrument!!

Please click on the link and see for yourselves, the talent that is Stained Glass Alice and if that has tickled your tastebuds, then pop along here Stained Glass ALice at Myspace.com/ and listen to their music online. My favourite is Rebound, but you go along and choose for yourselves.

I've also added the link in the links section on the right hand side.


Also updated gin and tonic/
today. The aga continues.

Lots of hugs



Recovery Day

Tuesday was spent sleeping in, catching up on the net, chatting to Bride to Be :) and cooking dinner :(

Hubby came home, not as late as usual, but still late, we had dinner and sat and watched tv together. Life of Grime was absolutely revolting, traffic cops was ok.......and then cam two episodes of Lost. And yes, I'm even more confused now than I was at the end of the last series!

I recorded Medium, as I can't miss an episode of that! and I shall try and watch that tomorrow.

I so have to check on my nintendogs! I bet they have both run away.....but hopefully they will remember I love them and come home ready to play with My Mum's Nintendoggy tomorrow.

You'd never beleive from this that I am a thirty five year old woman would you?!

Oh well....I'm sat here in full sunlight slowly melting in the heat.

Can someone turn t'big light off for me?

Love n hugs



Tuesday, May 02, 2006

So Much To Say.........

Friday in Manchester was brilliant. We set off at about midday, and had reached Manchester by about two thirty with one pitt stop. But then it took us well over an hour to get to anywhere near the b&b. What with bus lanes and one way systems we were flumoxed. We could see where we needed to be, right by the cathedral and the big wheel, but could we get there?!

Eventually we parked up, and walked accross the the hotel. It was lovely, really old and creaky, but decorated in a modern style.

We had a wander around the centre, had a drink and a meal, nipped back so I could change, then walked to the arena for the show. I was ok at first, it was a little busy. But then we bought a drink, and stood near the entrance relelvant for our seats, and it got busier, and busier, and busier. The moreI watched people walking past, the more dizzier I got! At one point hubby decided to go to the little boys room before the show started. I said I would do the same, but the girls room, and would meet him by a sign. I left him, and fought my way through the crowds. I made it three quarters of the way to the toilet, and doubled back to meet him. I was shaking......I couldn't take all the people around me.

WE made our way to our seats....high up. We had a good view, and the show was brilliant. I've never seen feet move so fast. No wonder Michale Flatley has each leg insured for over a million pounds!!

After the show we went for another drink, had a sit down and chat in the bar of the hotel and wandered up to bed. No ghosts in sight, a good nights sleep, and a lovely cooked breakfast the next morning.

We wandered around Manchester town centre for three hours, going in and out of shops, stopping for coffee at Starbucks along the way, and I thought of Holli.

We travelled back home, and I went for a sleep.

Sunday I was up early, and we went to meet NN and R, and V and A and their dog Sam, who we are dog sitting for in June. We had a lovely roast dinner, and I really enjoyed the chatting and laughing. We then met back up at a nearby ancient house with large grounds to meet and walk Sam. He was gorgeous! Easy to walk, and reminded me so much of my doggy days in my youth with my pet springer spaniel Griff.

We were walking for nearly three hours! We got home, chilled out, and went to bed early.

Monday, again \i was up early. We had to go on the hunt for a birthday present for my Mum. There was something we had been looking for all weekend, but it was sold out. So hubby had an idea! Why not get her a Nintendog!

We went for it....I was nervous, she would either love it or hate it. SHe opened it, and proceeded to talk to the console asking for the dog to come out and play without having turned the power on, or put the game card in......in other words, she was going to love it!

After a bit of advice on feeding, walking, training and praising the dog, we left her and Scamp playing together, with Dad looking as if we were all a little bit crazy LOL.

Hubby and I got home, I was going to sit down for five minutes and go in the bath. But no, we were going to move furniture!. We are buying my Mum and Dad's current sofa off them, as they are getting a new one. Hubby wanted to get ready for the arrival of said sofa, which could be up to twelve weeks away.

So, the old 2 seater and the rocker seat from the conservatory were moved into the living room. The sofa from the living room was moved into the conservatory. The living room was then re arranged, and the birdy moved as well.

All in all it means all of the furniture we need to get rid of is in one room, ready for our new sofa from Mum and Dad, and we are sitting "together" for once in the conservatory. We no longer have two furniture arms in between us|! Woooohoooo.

We can stretch out together, snuggle under a blanket together, and at last be closer!

It also means I don't have to go upstairs to bed if I need an afternoon nap, I can just stretch out where I am.

The Groom To Be rang last night too :) we had a bit of a chat, then I spoke to The Bride To Be. I know I haven't been online at night much lately.......but soon that will change. I'll explain in more detail in a few weeks.

Love you both though.....and miss you.

Hugs for all.

Whisky (aka G&T)
